• Are you overburdened by fear, dread or uneasiness? Fear shows up in our bodies and can take its toll. Gain awareness, recognize it, and ultimately gain control. Therapy can help you achieve the inner safety we all deserve.

  • Grief vs. Depression, which is it? Identify where your hopelessness stems from and regain the joy you yearn for in life.

  • Having problems with your partner? Do you seem to attract turbulent relationships over & over? Learn how to better understand yourselves, and adapt effective communication skills. Couples therapy can be an excellent way to renew your commitment to each other. Rather than spending time and energy overcoming obstacles in your relationship, you can focus more on enjoying the time you spend together.

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  • Want to deliver a message to your employees or students? We design and deliver customized mental health programs, workshops, and webinars which support open, human conversations about mental health. Equip your employees or students with the knowledge & skills to excel in their roles, improve their working lives, and ultimately leading your organization towards success.